Thursday, March 7, 2024

Wyatt and Chris Halliwell

 Wyatt & Chris Halliwell

General information


  • Family
  • Brothers




  • Wyatt Halliwell
  • Chris Halliwell

Portrayed By

  • Wes Ramsey
  • Drew Fuller


First Seen

Something Wicked This Way Comes

The relationship between the Halliwell brothers, Wyatt and Chris Halliwell

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

P.J. Halliwell and Colton Turner

 P.J. Halliwell & Colton Turner

General information


  • Family
  • Half-Siblings
  • Enemies


Ended (Colton is dead)


  • P.J. Halliwell
  • Colton Turner
The relationship between the half-siblings, Colton Turner, and P.J. Halliwell

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Colton Turner's Alternate Reality

 Colton Turner's Alternate Reality

Event information:
2027, an alternate reality Status: 
Erased from existence
An alternate reality created by Colton Turner
  • P.J. Halliwell (alienated from her family; married to a warlock, Phil Ambrose, and having a son)
  • Peyton Halliwell (after the power of three separations and the death of her sister, Parker, she is hiding somewhere)
  • Phil Ambrose (husband of P.J., father of their son)
  • Mel Halliwell (wife of Colton, close friend, and cousin of P.J.)
  • Colton Turner (husband of Mel and father of their daughter, Charlene)
  • Bianca Wright (fiance of Chris; trying to be alive and saving innocent; helping Peyton get back P.J.'s to good side again)
  • Parker Halliwell (killed by an unknown demon that ended the power of three)
  • Chris Halliwell
  • Wyatt Halliwell
  • Halliwell Manor (abandoned)
  • Paige and Henry Mitchell's Home (abandoned)
  • Phoebe and Coop Halliwell's Home (abandoned)
  • Turner Mansion (abandoned)
  • Magic School (magical beings hide there; protection spell from evil beings)
  • Ambrose Mansion

Monday, December 4, 2023

Alternate Future 2037

 Alternate Future 2037





Erased (temporarily replaced the true reality, now non-existent)


An alternate future created by the Charmed Ones

  • Parker Halliwell (charmed one; a younger sister of P.J. and Philippa; older sister of Peyton; wife of Bobby)
  • Peyton Halliwell (charmed one; a younger sister of P.J., Parker, and Philippa; ex-wife of Lucas and mother of their son)
  • Philippa Lawson (new charmed one; older sister of P.J., Parker, and Peyton; a daughter of Phoebe and Dex)
  • Piper Halliwell-Wyatt (Former Charmed One; still has her powers)
  • Paige Matthews (former charmed one; wife of Henry; mother of twin daughters and a son)
  • Melinda "Mel" Halliwell (Daughter of Piper and Leo; widow of Colton and mother of Charlene but estranged from his family)
  • Tam Mitchell (Daughter of Paige and Henry)
  • Kat Mitchell (twin sister of Tam)
  • Henry Mitchell Jr. (Adopted Son of Paige and Henry)
  • Leo Wyatt (Husband of Piper; father of Wyatt, Chris and Mel)
  • Cole Turner (ex-fiance of Parker Halliwell and father of their unborn daughter who died)
  • Bobby Hunter (husband of Parker Halliwell; father of Adelaide and Miguel Hunter)
  • Lucas Scott (ex-husband of Peyton Halliwell and father of Cooper Halliwell)
  • Ryan Lancaster (fiance of P.J. Halliwell before her death)
  • Prudence "Prue" Halliwell (Former Charmed One)
  • Phoebe Halliwell (Former Charmed One)
  • Prudence Johnna "P.J." Halliwell (former charmed one; died hands of a shax; she was engaged to Ryan before her death)
  • Colton Turner (a son of Phoebe and Cole; husband of Mel and father of Charlene)
  • Dex Lawson (former husband of Phoebe and father of Philippa)

  • Halliwell Manor
  • Paige and Henry Mitchell's Home
  • Phoebe and Coop Halliwell's Home
  • Parker and Bobby Hunter's Home

Dark Future 2061

 Dark Future 2061

Event information:
2061, a dark future Status: 
Erased from existence
Dark timeline created by Lucifer
  • Parker Halliwell-Turner (only survivor charmed one; lost the power of three connections due death of her sisters)
  • Piper Halliwell-Wyatt (Charmed One; still has her powers)
  • Melinda "Mel" Halliwell (Daughter of Piper and Leo)
  • Tam Mitchell (Daughter of Paige and Henry; turned evil and become Source's slave)
  • Henry Mitchell Jr. (Adopted Son of Paige and Henry; hunting down demons)
  • Leo Wyatt (Husband of Piper and whitelighter still)
  • Cole Turner (husband of Parker Halliwell and former half-demon)
  • Jo Turner (daughter of Parker and Cole; only survivor child of her family)
  • Bianca Wright-Halliwell (widow of Chris; fighting to survive and get revenge on the Source)
  • Prudence "Prue" Halliwell (Former Charmed One)
  • Paige Matthews (Former Charmed One)
  • Coop Halliwell (husband of Phoebe; died during the fight against the Source)
  • Henry Mitchell, Sir.
  • Phoebe Halliwell (Former Charmed One)
  • Christopher "Chris" Halliwell (Son of Piper and Leo)
  • Kat Mitchell (twin sister of Tam; died during a fight against the Source)
  • Wyatt Matthew Halliwell (son of Piper and Leo)
  • Prudence Johnna "P.J." Halliwell (firstborn daughter of Phoebe and Coop; wife of Ryan Lancaster)
  • Peyton Halliwell (third daughter of Phoebe and Coop; wife of Lucas Scott)
  • Ben Turner II (son of Parker and Cole)
  • Colette Turner (second daughter of Parker and Cole)
  • Colton Turner (son of Phoebe and Cole; was killed by Tam Mitchell)
  • Halliwell Manor (abandoned)
  • Paige and Henry Mitchell's Home (abandoned)
  • Phoebe and Coop Halliwell's Home (abandoned)
  • Turner Mansion (abandoned)
  • Magic School (magical beings hide there; protection spell from evil beings)

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Colton Halliwell/Illusion

 Colton Halliwell

Biographical information

Full name

Colton Halliwell

Date of Birth


Physical description





Family information


  • P.J. Halliwell (Younger maternal half-sister)
  • Parker Halliwell (Younger maternal half-sister)
  • Peyton Halliwell (Younger maternal half-sister)


  • Cole Turner † (Father)
  • Coop Halliwell (Stepfather)
  • Phoebe Halliwell (Mother)
  • Patty Halliwell † (grandma)
  • Victor Bennett (grandpa)
  • Elizabeth Turner (paternal)
  • Benjamin Turner † (paternal)


Melinda Halliwell (one-side love)

Magical characteristics

Active powers
  • Pyrokinesis
  • Telekinesis
  • Electrokinesis
  • Super Strength
  • Sensing
  • Transformation
Basic powers
  • Spell Casting
  • Potion Brewing
  • Scrying

Character Information

Only seen

Dream a Little Dream

In an illusionary world where he grew up with her sisters because Phoebe never gave up her and Colton never got vanquished. His childhood was happier than he had wished for. He has a mother, father, and siblings who he loves.

This Colton never married or had any children. He had a crush on Melinda Halliwell her cousin however she did not return her feelings back.

Peyton Halliwell/Illusion

 Peyton Halliwell a.k.a Little Sister

Biological Information

Full Name:

Peyton Paige Halliwell

Date of Birth:

September-28-2011, San Fransisco; California

Physical description





Hair Color:


Eye Color:


Skin Color:


Magical Characteristics

Basic Powers:

  • Spell Casting
  • Potion Making
  • Scrying
  • Mediumship
Active Powers:
  • Pyrokinesis
  • Beaming

Inactive Powers:

  • High Resistance
  • Sensing

Magical Item(s):

The Book of Shadows

Family Information


  • Colton Halliwell (half)
  • P.J. Halliwell
  • Parker Halliwell


  • Phoebe Halliwell
  • Coop


  • Patty Halliwell †
  • Victor Bennett



Protecting the innocent


Baker High School


San Francisco, California


Phoebe and Coop's Home


  • The Charmed Ones
  • Cupids
  • The Elders

Character information

Only seen:

Dream a Little Dream

In an illusionary world where her sisters were not the Charmed Ones, Peyton never became Charmed One because their mother never died.