Saturday, November 21, 2020

Philippa Lawson/Alternate Future 2037

 Philippa Lawson a.k.a Another Sister

Biographical information

Full Name

Philippa Lawson (father's name)


  • Prue Halliwell (older sister; born before P.J.)
  • Paige Matthews (maternal half-sister)


  • Poppy (friends)
  • Ms. Lawson (non-family remembers)






  • Alive (in an alternate future)
  • Unknown (in the real world; possibly doesn't exist)

Physical description


Witch (Upper)



Hair Color


Eye color


Skin color


Family information


  • Colton Turner † (Older Maternal Half-Brother)
  • P.J. Halliwell † (Younger Half-Sister)
  • Parker Elise Halliwell (Younger Half-Sister)
  • Peyton Paige Halliwell (Younger Half-Sister)


  • Phoebe Halliwell † (Mother)
  • Dex Lawson † (Father)
  • Coop Halliwell (Stepfather)
  • Bobby Hunter (brother-in-law)
  • Scott Lucas (Ex-brother-in-law)
  • Unborn Niece † (via Parker & Cole)
  • Cooper Victor Halliwell (via Peyton and Scott)
  • Adelaide and Miguel Hunter (via Parker and Bobby)
  • Prue Halliwell †
  • Piper Halliwell
  • Paige Matthews
  • Leo Wyatt
  • Henry Mitchell
Maternal Cousins
  • Wyatt Halliwell
  • Chris Halliwell
  • Melinda Halliwell
  • Tam Mitchell
  • Kat Mitchell
  • Henry Mitchell, Jr.

  • Peyton Halliwell (close bond)
  • Parker Halliwell (close bond)
  • Jessica (friend)

Wyatt Halliwell (crush)

  • Shax
  • The Source of All Evil

Magical characteristics

Basic powers

  • Spell Casting
  • Potion Brewing
  • Scying
  • Mediumship

Active powers

  • Telekinesis
  • Advanced Telekinesis
  • Force Field
Inactive powers
  • The Power of Three
  • High Resistance
  • Immunity

Greatest fear

Losing a family member



  • Photographer
  • Protecting the innocent and fighting evil forces


San Fransisco, CA


Halliwell Manor (currently)


Scott Lucas (currently)


  • Good
  • Halliwell Family
  • The Charmed Ones

Only Seen

A Whole New World

Played By

Troian Bellisario

"GO!! NOW!!! RUN! I hold them back."

~ ~ Philippa to her sisters after holding the FBI back with her power letting her sisters escape. ~ ~

Philippa Lawson is the fourth daughter of a witch named Phoebe Halliwell and the only daughter of a mortal man named Dex Lawson, the oldest maternal half-sister of P.J., Parker, and Peyton Halliwell.

Philippa was raised by her father, Dex Lawson however when her dad died, she discovered she had sisters. She met her half-sisters, Parker and Peyton Halliwell, in 2035 after the death of her eldest sister P.J. Halliwell.

As the daughter of a witch and a Mortal, Philippa is the Charmed One, despite being the eldest and last sister to come into her Charmed legacy. Her powers include Telekinesis, Advanced Telekinesis, and the ability to generate a Force Shield. Additionally, she also possesses the basic powers of a witch: The ability to cast spells, brew potions, scry for lost objects or people, and divine for information. Furthermore, Philippa can access The Power of Three, the collective power of the Charmed Ones that enhances their powers. Besides her duties as a Charmed One, Philippa is a full-time Witch and works as a photographer.



Colton Turner

She and Colton are maternal half-siblings. They never met because Colton died.

P.J. Halliwell

P.J. is Philippa's younger maternal half-sister. They never met because P.J. died however Philippa met past P.J. when the sisters traveled to the future and possessed their future bodies.

Parker Halliwell

Parker is Philippa's youngest maternal half-sister. Their relationship is not as close as she and Peyton however they care and love each other still.

Peyton Halliwell

Peyton is Philippa's youngest maternal half-sister. Their relationship is very close and they are best friends. After P.J.'s death, Philippa was discovered when she arrived at P.J.'s funeral.


Phoebe Halliwell

Philippa is the fourth daughter of Phoebe a witch whom she never met, unfortunately. Phoebe left infant Philippa to her father, Dex to rise up.

Dex Lawson

Dex raised Philippa himself after Phoebe left her as an infant.

Powers and Abilities

Active Powers:
  • Telekinesis - the ability to move objects as well as individuals with the mind. It can be channelled through the eyes or hands, the latter being the most common way to use the power. This is one of the most common yet versatile powers possessed by magical beings, be they good, evil, or neutral. It is Philippa's first power that she gained after her sister, P.J.'s death unlike P.J. she did not inherit her telekinetic beaming because Philippa is not half-cupid.
    • Channelling: The ability to channel her power through her eyes, often by narrowing her eyelids and focusing her eyes on her intended target.
    • Super Strength: The ability to have and exert a level of physical strength much greater than that of a normal person. Beings with this ability are stronger, tougher, and more physically durable than normal humans. Philippa sends even a SWAT team member flying to give her sisters more time to run away from SWAT.
    • Deviation: The ability to use one's own magical powers to redirect the magical attacks or projectiles of other beings back on the path of emanation.
    • Crushing: The magical ability to create force around an object or power, squashing and neutralizing it as a result.
    • Advanced Telekinesis: The ability to perform feats greater than those who possess only basic telekinesis, such as moving multiple and heavy objects all at once, or moving them across vast distances, like Brianna Warren.
    • Telematerialization: The ability to teleport liquid with the power of your mind.
  • Force Field - The ability to create force fields is often referred to as Shielding. This power is very rare and is only possessed by a few magical beings, who can be either good or evil. Philippa was able to project an invisible force field around herself and her sisters while shielding her sisters from SWAT members.
Inactive Powers:
  • The Power of Three: The collective power between Parker, Peyton, and Philippa.
  • High Resistance: the passive ability to be resistant to attacks by weapons, magic, or powers of other magical beings.
  • Immunity: the power to be unaffected by certain magical abilities, spells, and/or potions.

  • Philippa has shown very strong-willed and very stubborn women like most Halliwell-Warren Witches.
  • Philippa was born before P.J. whom she never meets however she meets real-world P.J. who is confused at first learning another sister exists.
  • Philippa is the most powerful witch like her younger half-sister, P.J. and her deceased aunt, Prue Halliwell.
  • Philippa does not inherit half-cupid powers because of her father who was a mortal however she inherits witch powers from her mother's side.
  • It is unknown what happens to Philippa after her sisters escape from the FBI.

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