Sunday, June 5, 2022

Melinda Halliwell/Dark Future 2061

 Melinda Halliwell a.k.a The Survivor

Biographical Information

Full Name:

Melinda Prudence Halliwell


  • Mel
  • Melly
  • Ms. Halliwell
  • Mrs. Turner


Early 2007; San Fransisco Memorial Hospital


Melinda Wyatt


Widowed from Colton Turner 


The Time Witch

Physical Description


Witch (with whitelighter genes)



Family Information


  • Charlene Elizabeth Turner (daughter; with Colton)
  • Posie Mitchell Halliwell (adopted daughter; after Tam turned against her family)


  • Wyatt Halliwell † (Older brother)
  • Chris Halliwell † (older brother)


  • Piper Halliwell † (Mother)
  • Leo Wyatt (Father)


  • Patty Halliwell † (Grandma)
  • Victor Bennett (Grandpa) 
  • Penny Halliwell † (Grams)
  • Allen Halliwell † (Great-Grandpa)

  • Tam Mitchell
  • The Source of All Evil
  • Colton Turner †
  • Evil
  • Tam Mitchell (formerly)
  • Henry Mitchell, Jr.
  • Parker Halliwell
  • Colton Turner † (formerly)

Colton Turner † (Husband; prior to his death)

Magical Characteristics

Basic Powers

  • Potion Making
  • Spell Casting
  • Scrying
  • Mediumship

Active powers

  • Temporal Manipulation
  • Molecular Manipulation
  • Orbing (lost)
  • Remote Orbing (lost)
  • Hovering (lost)
  • Sensing (lost)
  • Healing (lost)

Inactive Powers

  • High Resistance
  • Immunity
  • Advanced Combat


  • Book of Shadows (family)
  • Mel Halliwell's Time Travel Pendant (personal)



  • Magic School (currently; protected from evil beings)
  • Halliwell Manor (formerly; abandoned)


  • Good
  • Charmed Ones
  • The Elders

Only seen:

The Once and Future Evil

Portrayed By:

Lucy Hale

In this dark future, Mel's rest of the family dies because of The Source and her evil cousin Tam.

Powers and Abilities

Active Powers:

  • Temporal Manipulation - The ability to control and manipulate time. Due to her unique power set, Mel was often referred to as a "time witch".
    • Temporal Stasis: Mel's active power is the ability to stop the flow of time. Wyatt Halliwell states this power is common among control freaks and reflects Mel's controlling nature. She mostly uses hand gestures to activate her power but this is not necessary.
    • Temporal Displacement: The ability to send objects and people to different times and places, such as the past or future. The users are also able to send their consciousness to another time to retrieve an object and bring it to the present. However, the user is unable to physically travel through time themselves. Mel sends Jo and her daughter Charlene into the past to save the future and turn it back to normal again.
  • Molecular Manipulation - The ability to manipulate matter on a molecular level. In the dark future, after her mother's death, Mel gained her powers.
    • Molecular Combustion: The ability to speed up molecules to the point that they explode. This power advanced so much that she could destroy upper-level demons. It is considered Mel's strongest and most frequently used power. 
    • Deviation: The ability to manipulate your current magical power to deflect energies back in the direction they came from that are thrown in the targeted direction of the deviator. Mel is capable now of this through the use of her molecular combustion power.
    • Molecular Acceleration: The ability to speed up the movement of molecules, causing them to become disordered and, in most cases, rapidly heat up.
    • Molecular Inhibition: the ability to slow down or completely stop the movement of molecules, causing them to lose their energy and solidify, resulting in ice, presumably by utilizing the water molecules in the air. Mel was able to create icicles in her hands and levitate them to vanquish Tamora's lover, Trevor.

Inactive Powers:
  • High Resistance: The ability to be highly resistant to physical and magical harm, surviving otherwise lethal attacks.
  • Immunity: the ability that grants the possessor invulnerability to certain powers (including their own), spells, and potions (except for a Power Stripping Potion).

Former Powers

Whitelighter Powers:
  • Hovering: The ability to rise a few feet in the air, and float in one place on a swirl of orbs.
  • Orbing: the power to teleport to another location using orbs.
  • Telekinetic Orbing: the power to move or teleport objects through the use of orbs. This power is a hybrid combination of the powers of Orbing and Telekinesis, where instead of moving the object with the mind alone, the object is moved through the use of orbs.
  • Remote Orbing: the power to orb other people from one place to another without establishing physical contact.
  • Sensing: the ability to determine the location and status of other beings by concentrating on them.
  • Healing: the power to restore an individual to full health or an object to pristine condition.

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