Wednesday, December 28, 2022

P.J. Halliwell/Alternate Future 2037

 P.J. Halliwell a.k.a Messenger of Love

Biographical information

Full Name

Prudence Johnna Halliwell


Prue Halliwell


February 22, 2007




May 5, 2035

Cause of death

Died due to injury in battle

Killed by



May 7, 2035 (as a Cupid)


Charlotte Hale


Engaged with Ryan Lancaster (until her death)


  • Cupid
  • Messenger of Love
  • Prophet
  • Charmed One (formerly)

Physical description


  • Cupid (currently)
  • Cupid-Witch (originally; formerly)



Hair Color

  • Blond (currently; becoming Cupid as Charlotte)
  • Brown (originally; formerly as P.J.)

Eye color


Skin color


Family information


  • Colton Turner (paternal half-brother)
  • Philippa Lawson (maternal oldest half-sister)
  • Parker Halliwell (younger sister)
  • Peyton Halliwell (younger sister)


  • Phoebe Halliwell † (mother)
  • Coop Halliwell (father)
  • Cooper Victor Scott (nephew; via Peyton and Lucas)
  • Unborn niece † (via Parker and Cole)
  • Adelaide and Miguel Hunter (via Parker and Bobby)
  • Lucas Scott (ex-brother-in-law)
  • Bobby Hunter (brother-in-law)

  • Parker Halliwell (bestie/close friend)
  • Mel Halliwell (close friend)
  • Ryan Lancaster (fiance; until she died as a witch)
  • Daniel Gordon II (ex-boyfriend)
  • Colton Turner
  • The Source of All Evil
  • Shax (who killed her and also killed her maternal aunt, Prue)

Magical characteristics

Active powers

Cupid Powers

Magic items

  • Cupid Ring
  • Book of Shadows (formerly)

Unknown charges 



  • Temple of Love
  • P.J. Halliwell's Apartment (formerly)
  • Halliwell Manor; San Francisco (formerly)


  • Protector of the Innocent (once)
  • Author at The Bay Mirror (formerly)
  • Bringing destined lovers together (currently)


  • The Greater Good
  • Cupid
  • The Elders

Character information

Portrayed by

Nina Dobrev

Alternate Prue Halliwell was the firstborn child and the eldest daughter of Phoebe Halliwell and her husband Coop, born in 2007. She is the older sister of Parker and Peyton Halliwell; the younger half-sister of Philippa Lawson and Colton Turner; and the sister-in-law of Mel Halliwell, Lucas Scott, and Bobby Hunter. She is named after her late aunt Prudence Halliwell.

P.J.'s death and Reborn

On May 5, 2035, P.J. has to save one of the charges who was in trouble because the demon was after them and sent to The Source. She brought them to her home to protect them from a demon who was after however demon crashed through the front door. P.J. recognized the demon because it was the same demon that killed her maternal aunt, Prue Halliwell once. Shax attempts to attack P.J.'s charges but P.J. uses her power however she fails and Shax attacks P.J., blasting her through a wall then Shax fires at P.J.'s charges, throwing them at the window. He smiles as he has completed his task. Shax then whirls out of the manor, slamming the Manor doors and shattering the glass; symbolizing the end of the Power of Three. By the time her sisters and Lucas orb back at the manor, P.J. had already died from blood loss and sustained injuries. 

After her death at the hands of a powerful demon Shax, she accepted a Cupid Ring and was reborn as a full Cupid and given the name Charlotte. However, getting this new destiny forbade her from ever seeing her loved ones again. 

Powers and Abilities

Current Powers:

As a cupid

  • Beaming: The ability to teleport through a pink light from the heart.
  • Empathy: The ability to sense the emotions of other beings.
  • Sensing: The ability to determine the location and status of other beings by concentrating on them.

Passive Powers:

Immortality: The ability to possess a possibly infinite lifespan and an arrested aging process.

Cupid Ring:

  • Temporal Stasis: The ability to stop or slow the flow of time. Cupids can slow down time in a limited area.
  • Suggestion: The ability to plant feelings, thoughts, and ideas into the mind of another.
  • Time Travel: The ability to travel through time. Cupids can visit the past loves of their charges.
  • Hologram Projection: The ability to project light-based images in various shapes and sizes based on imagination or memories.
  • Body Insertion: The ability to physically transfer a person into another body.
  • Emotion Stripping: The ability to strip other beings of their emotions. Only Chandra and P.J. are known to possess this ability. 
Former Powers:

As a Charmed One
  • Telekinetic Beaming - A variation of the power of Telekinesis. It is a combination of Telekinesis and Beaming, where the object or person is moving in space through the use of pink bubbles. Prue is now using this power and is the only known being to possess it.
    • Telekinesis: The ability to move objects or people with the mind. Prue channels this power through his hands and sometimes through his eyes. She has had this power since before she was born.
    • Advanced Telekinesis: An advanced form of Telekinesis. The user of this power can move multiple heavy objects at the same time and over great distances.
    • Crushing: The ability to create a force around an object or power, squashing it.
    • Telekinetic Molecular Combustion: The ability to speed up molecules to the point that cause an explosion only when moved. It is a variation of the powers of Telekinesis and Molecular Combustion. Prue can only use it when she moves an object or a being. When she pushes the being or object it blows up upon impact with something else. Prue received this power in the first episode and can control it quickly.
  • Projection: Allows the user to manipulate reality. It allows her to use some other powers by projecting what she wants. However, her projection power is not as strong as Wyatt´s.
    • Voice Manipulation: The ability to manipulate one´s voice. Prue uses it to raise her voice.
    • Conjuration: The ability to materialize objects and beings at will. Prue channels this power through both mind and hands.
  • Cryokinesis: The ability to generate and manipulate ice and cold. Prue activates this power by bringing her palm to her mouth and blowing on it, creating a block of powdery ice that can quickly extinguish fires and freeze objects or beings within a moment. Prue's powers grew to where she just touched something and it froze, and at first, this power was very out of control. She has since learned to control it but is still getting the hang of it.
Half-Cupid Powers:
  • Beaming: The teleportation power used by Cupids and Witch-Cupids. Allows the user to teleport one's self to another place. Prue has a car and she prefers to use her beaming power when it comes to magical situations.
    • Remote Beaming: The ability to beam something or someone without orbing oneself.
  • Sensing: The ability to sense her charges when they were in trouble.

Inactive Powers:
  • The Power of Three: The collective power of the Charmed Ones enhances their abilities. After her death, she lost access to the power of three.
  • High Resistance: The ability to survive lethal attacks and be resistant to injuries.
  • Immunity: The ability to be immune a magical powers, such as spells and potions. After her death and becoming Cupid, she becomes immune to most magical powers even spells and potions.
  • After Prue's death, Alternate Parker seems to have a constant fear of losing Alternate Peyton as well.
  • Alternate Prue's death resulted in the definitive end of the power of the three, although there was another sister who later joined and recreated the new power of the three.
  • Unlike alternate Prue Halliwell, P.J. was killed by Shax and reborn as Cupid in alternate future.

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