Sunday, February 26, 2023

Melinda Turner/Alternate

 Melinda Halliwell a.k.a Queen of Hell

Biographical information

Full Name

Melinda Prudence Halliwell


  • Mel
  • Melly
  • Time-Freezing Witch
  • Ms. Halliwell
  • Mrs. Turner
  • Queen Melinda (formerly)


October 31 2007; San Francisco


Married to Colton Turner


  • Queen of the Underworld
  • The Time Witch

Physical description


  • Witch (Upper-level)
  • Whitelighter-Witch (formerly)



Hair Color


Eye color


Family information


  • Charlene Elizabeth Turner (Eldest Daughter; with Colton)
  • Damien Turner (Youngest Son; with Colton)


  • Wyatt Halliwell † (older brother)
  • Chris Halliwell (older brother)


  • Piper Halliwell † (mother)
  • Leo Wyatt (father)


  • Patty Halliwell † (maternal grandmother)
  • Victor Bennett (maternal grandfather)
  • Christopher Wyatt † (paternal grandfather)


  • Prue Halliwell † (aunt)
  • Phoebe Halliwell † (aunt)
  • Paige Matthews (aunt)
  • Henry Mitchell (uncle)
  • Coop Halliwell (uncle)
  • Colton Turner (cousin)
  • Tamora and Kat Mitchell (cousins)
  • P.J. Halliwell † (cousin)
  • Parker Halliwell † (cousin)
  • Henry Mitchell Jr. (adoptive cousin)
  • Peyton Halliwell (cousin)
  • Phoebe Halliwell † (mother-in-law)
  • Cole Turner (father-in-law)
  • P.J. Halliwell (sister-in-law)
  • Parker Halliwell † (sister-in-law)
  • Peyton Halliwell (sister-in-law)

  • Parker Halliwell † (close friend)
  • Kat Mitchell (close friend)
  • Colton Turner (husband)
  • Unknown ex-boyfriend's

Magical characteristics

Active powers

  • Temporal Manipulation
  • Molecular Combustion

Basic powers

  • Spell Casting
  • Potion Brewing
  • Scrying
  • Mediumship

Magical items

  • The Grimoire (formerly)
  • Book of Shadows (family)



Queen of the Underworld (formerly)


  • Evil (formerly)
  • Good
  • Halliwell Family

Character information

Portrayed by

Lucy Hale

Alternate Mel Halliwell is Mel Halliwell in the alternate reality crafted by Colton Turner himself. She is the youngest child of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt, the wife of Colton Turner, and the youngest sister of Wyatt and Chris Halliwell. She is also the mother of both kids; a daughter, Charlene, and a son, Damien Turner.

In this alternate world, Mel married Colton and became his Queen, having a daughter named Charlene and a son named Damien Turner. She has no contract with her family anymore after her family wanted to kill Colton. She considers Colton and her children her only family now. Because of this, major moments in her life and the lives of her family have been changed.


Mel, in this reality, wears all black and sometimes red clothes after marriage to Colton and becomes his queen. After the family wants to kill Colton, she shows her dark side more often than before.

Powers and Abilities

Witch Powers:

Unlike her mother, Mel can selectively alter the flow of time. Due to her unique power set, Mel was often referred to as a "time witch." 

  • Temporal Manipulation - the power to manipulate the flow of time in a variety of ways. It is a collective term that is used to refer to several temporal-based powers.
    • Temporal Stasis - the ability to completely stop the flow of time. Out of her siblings, she is the only one of Piper's children with this ability and is shown to have a lot of control over the ability, with her often using it. 
    • Temporal Displacement: The ability to be displaced from the regular flow of time.
  • Molecular Combustion - The ability to speed up molecules to the point that they explode. After the death of her mother, Melinda received the power of molecular combustion, another ability of her mother's, and struggled a lot with controlling the ability, having even badly injured Chris during an argument after the funeral.
    • Deviation: The ability to manipulate your current magical power to deflect energies back in the direction they came from that are thrown in the targeted direction of the deviator.
Inactive Powers:
  • High Resistance: The ability to be more resilient to powers that could be potentially lethal.
  • Advanced Combat: As the child of a Charmed One, Melinda has been trained to fight by her Aunt Phoebe, her Uncle Henry, and her Uncle Coop.

Former Powers

Queen of All Evil Powers:

Due to Mel becoming the Queen after being married to Colton, who turned the Source, she had unlocked a plethora of new abilities however, after she vanquished Colton her powers were gone.
  • Telekinesis - the ability to move objects as well as individuals with the mind.
    • Channeling: the ability with her hands was the first ability that Melinda had access to.
    • Deviation: the practiced skill of using one's own magical powers to redirect the magical attacks or projectiles of other beings back on the path of emanation.
    • Crushing: the magical ability to create force around an object or power, squashing and neutralizing it as a result.
    • Super Strength: the power to have and exert a level of physical strength much greater than that of a normal person. Beings with this ability are stronger, tougher, and more physically durable than normal humans.
  • Pyrokinesis - the elemental power to create and/or control fire with the will of one's mind. More advanced pyrokinetic can achieve almost any effect with fire.
    • Fire Throwing: the powerful and deadly power to project jets of flame from the hands, capable of completely immolating even high-level demons.
    • Advanced Fire Throwing: the highly advanced form of Fire Throwing allows the user to shoot a beam of highly concentrated torch-like blue fire.
  • Transformation - the power to manipulate reality to transform any object or being into something else. The effects of this power can only be undone by a user of the power.
  • Flaming - the fire-based type of teleportation used by high-ranking demons and other evil beings. When a being teleports, it appears to be engulfed in intense flames, though this does not harm the users or their passengers.
Temporary Powers: As a witch and child of a Charmed One, Melinda has temporarily been able to use abilities not belonging to them due to either a spell or a transformation.
  • Power Tapping (through her baby, Mel displayed the powers of flaming, Fire Throwing, Advanced Fire Throwing, fireballs, transformation, and telekinesis)

  • Alternate Mel was a different version from the real Mel because she was cold.

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