Sunday, June 4, 2023

Kat Mitchell

 Kat Mitchell a.k.a The Prophet

Biographical Information

Full Name

Katherine Grace Mitchell


  • Kat (everyone)
  • Grace (friends)
  • Mitchell (ex-boyfriend, Luke)

Date of Birth

July 19, 2007 (San Francisco, CA)




Married to Edmund Rayner (witch-whitelighter)



Physical Description





Hair Color


Eye Color


Family Information


Unborn Two Twin Boys (via Edmund)


  • Tamora Patricia "Tam" Mitchell (twin sister)
  • Henry Mitchell, Jr. (adoptive brother)


  • Paige Matthews (mother)
  • Henry Mitchell (father)
  • Wyatt Halliwell
  • Chris Halliwell
  • Melinda Halliwell
  • Colton Turner †
  • P.J. Halliwell
  • Parker Halliwell
  • Peyton Halliwell
  • Prue Halliwell † (maternal aunt)
  • Piper Halliwell (maternal aunt)
  • Phoebe Halliwell † (maternal aunt)
  • Leo Wyatt (maternal uncle)
  • Coop Halliwell (maternal uncle)
  • Posie Belland (niece; via Tam)
  • Glen Belland II (adoptive nephew; via Tam)
  • Patty Halliwell † (Grandmother)
  • Sam Wilder (Grandfather)
  • Mr. and Mrs. Matthews † (Adoptive grandparents)
  • Penny Halliwell † (Great-Grandmother)
  • Allen Halliwell † (Great-Grandfather)
  • Fletcher Belland (brother-in-law)
  • Mr. and Mrs. Rayner

  • Tam Mitchell (bestie)
  • Melinda Halliwell
  • Parker Halliwell
  • Edmund Rayner (Witch-Whitelighter; Husband)
  • Luke Crane (Mortal; Ex-Boyfriend, who cheated on her)

Magical Characteristics

Active Powers

  • Premonitions
  • Astral Premonitions
  • Telekinetic Orbing
  • Remote Orbing
  • Molecular Deceleration
  • Healing
  • Photokinesis
  • Orbing

Inactive Powers

High Resistance

Basic Powers

  • Spell Casting
  • Potion Making
  • Scrying
  • Mediumship

Magical Items

Book of Shadows



  • Artist (currently)
  • Protecting the Innocents


  • Good
  • The Elders
  • The Charmed Ones
  • Henry Mitchell


Played By

Holland Roden

Katherine Mitchell is the daughter of Paige Matthews a witch-whitelighter, and Henry Mitchell a mortal, the twin sister of Tamora Mitchell, the adoptive sister of Henry Mitchell Jr., the wife of Edmund Rayner a witch-whitelighter and the mother of their unborn two twin boys.

Powers and Abilities

Active Powers:

  • Premonition - the power to perceive future, present, or past events. How exactly this power will manifest can vary based on the power level of the user; it can come in the form of dreams, visions, or sounds that the user may incorrectly believe are hallucinations, as well as simply just a feeling or instinct that something is about to happen.

    • Astral Premonition: The ability to astral project herself into a premonition.
    • Divination: the ability to gain insight into an event or situation in the past, present, and/or future by using a variety of practices.
    • Psychometry: the ability to perceive an object's history or even future by merely touching the object.

  • Telekinetic Orbing - the power to move or teleport objects through the use of orbs. This power is a hybrid combination of the powers of Orbing and Telekinesis.
    • Telekinesis: the ability to move objects as well as individuals with the mind.
    • Remote Orbing: the ability to teleport other beings from one location to another through the use of orbs without establishing physical contact. Users can simply wave their hands to send others to a desired location.
    • Deviation: The ability to manipulate your current magical power to deflect/send energies back in the direction they came from.
  • Molecular Deceleration - The ability to slow molecules down to a point that makes things appear to move in slow motion. Because Kat is still a baby, her powers are not yet strong enough to completely freeze things like her Aunt Piper. It was revealed by Bailey that Kat's powers were also bound.

Whitelighter Powers:
  • Orbing: The ability to teleport oneself from one place to another with the use of orbs.
  • Glamouring: The ability to change one's appearance into the form of another.
  • Hovering: The ability to rise a few feet in the air with or without the use of orbs.
  • Healing: The ability to heal the injuries and wounds of others.
  • Photokinesis: The ability to create and manipulate light.
  • Sensing: The ability to locate charges.
  • Cloaking: The ability to hide someone magically or herself from others.
  • Omnilingualism: The ability to understand, speak, and read any language that her charges speak, without training in it.
Inactive Powers:
  • High Resistance: the passive ability to be resistant to attacks by weapons, magic, or powers of other magical beings. This trait allows users to survive attacks that are otherwise lethal. It also grants users protection against their own powers.
  • Twin Bond: Along with being a daughter of a Charmed One, Kat is also a twin resulting in her having a very unique connection and bond with Tam. The twins seem to have an enhanced twin connection thanks to their powers with them being able to sense and feel one another on a completely new level.
      • Telepathy: The ability to read/sense and understand other people's thoughts and feelings. Thanks to the twin bond the sisters can hear one another's thoughts although this ability only works between the two of them and it also took them a long time to learn to be able to control and access the ability properly, however, Kat seems to be weaker at the telepathy than Tam.
      • Augmentation: The ability to enhance one's abilities. Due to the twin bond between the sisters, they can access this ability but only when they are in contact with one another. The twins first used this ability during their thirteenth birthday party which caused a major magical disaster, however, with practice the twins are also able to dampen their powers as well as enhance them.

Natural Abilities
  • Artistic skills: Kat is an excellent artist. Like her mother, she is a really good artist however unlike her mother, she becomes a professional artist.
  • Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Though it was not shown or revealed during her early years as a witch, Kat is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, which came into play during her fights against her cousin, Colton Turner

Professional Life

  • Artist: Kat is now working as an artist. She learned painting from her mother who was really good and like her mother, Kat used to paint frequently during her early twenties.

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