Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Piper Halliwell-Wyatt

 Piper Halliwell a.k.a The Survivor 

Biological Information

Full Name:

Piper Halliwell


  • Jenny Bennett
  • Jamie Bennett
  • Goddess of Earth
  • Lady of the Lake




Married to Leo Wyatt (married. February 22, 2001 - present)


Charmed One

Physical description





Hair Color:


Eye Color:


Skin Color:


Magical Characteristics

Basic Powers:

  • Spell Casting
  • Potion Making
  • Scrying
  • Mediumship

Active Powers:

  • Molecular Immobilization
  • Molecular Combustion
  • Molecular Acceleration

Inactive Powers:

  • The Power of Three (formerly)
  • High Resistance

Magical Item(s):

The Book of Shadows


  • Losing one of her sisters
  • Spiders


A normal life

Family Information


  • Wyatt Matthew Halliwell (eldest son)
  • Christopher Perry "Chris" Halliwell (middle son)
  • Melinda Prudence "Mel" Halliwell (youngest daughter)


  • Prudence "Prue" Halliwell † (oldest sister)
  • Phoebe "Pheebs" Halliwell † (youngest sister)
  • Paige Matthews (youngest maternal half-sister)


  • Patricia "Patty" Halliwell † (mother)
  • Victor Bennett (father)
  • Henry Mitchell
  • Coop Halliwell
  • Bianca Wright (daughter-in-law; via Chris)
  • Colton Turner † (first son-in-law; via Mel)
  • Stella Halliwell (daughter-in-law; via Wyatt)
  • Charles Halliwell (second son-in-law; via Mel)


  • Penelope "Penny" Johnson-Halliwell † (Grams)
  • Allen Halliwell † (Grandpa)


  • Prudence Johnna "P.J." Halliwell
  • Tamora "Tam" Mitchell
  • Prudence Lynn "Prude" Halliwell III
  • Brianna "Bri" Halliwell
  • Matthew "Matt" Halliwell
  • Charlene Phoebe Turner (via Mel & Colton)
  • 9 more grandchildren



  • Restaurant Owner/Chef of Halliwell's
  • Protecting the Innocent at The Charmed Ones
  • Chef at Quake (formerly)
  • Club Owner of P3 Club (formerly)


San Francisco, California


  • Piper and Leo Wyatt's Home (currently)
  • Halliwell Manor (formerly)
  • Prue and Piper Halliwell's Condo (formerly)


  • Leo Wyatt (formerly)
  • Natalie † (formerly)
  • Chris Halliwell (formerly)


  • The Charmed Ones
  • The Elders

Past Life:

Priscilla Baxter-Johnson (great-grandmother)



Something Wicca This Way Comes

Piper Halliwell was always the middle sister of Halliwell's sisterhood however after her eldest sister Prue's death, she becomes the oldest sister of her little sister, Phoebe. Also, another shock comes out that they have another sister, Paige Matthews who is their mother's fourth daughter and her whitelighter Sam's only daughter.

Powers and Abilities

Basic Powers:

  • Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals.
  • Potion Making: The ability to brew potions. This is considered Piper's specialty, due to her love and skill for cooking.
  • Scrying: The ability to locate a person or object by the use of a scrying crystal, a map, and sometimes other tools.
  • Mediumship: The ability to see and commune with the spirits of the dead.

Active Powers:

  • Molecular Immobilization - The ability to slow down molecules to the point that they freeze. This power works on almost all objects and beings, except certain upper-level demons such as The Triad, and other good witches. This is Piper's primary power which she channels through her hands.

  • Molecular Combustion - The ability to speed up molecules to the point that they explode. This power advanced so much that she could destroy Upper-Level Demons. It is considered Piper's strongest and most frequently used power.

    • Deviation: The ability to manipulate your current magical power to deflect energies back in the direction they came from that are thrown in the targeted direction of the deviator. Piper is capable of this through the use of her Molecular Combustion power.

  • Molecular Acceleration - The ability to reverberate molecules at a speed that causes them to rapidly heat up and sometimes become disordered; this can often result in either melting or ignition. Piper gained this ability in 2008 when she wanted to blow up the Source of All Evil in the form of a Golem.

Inactive Powers:

  • The Power of Three: The collective power of Piper and her sisters enhances their powers.
  • High Resistance: The ability to be highly resistant to physical and magical harm, surviving otherwise lethal attacks.

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