Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Tamora P. Mitchell-Belland

 Tamora Mitchell a.k.a Badass Witch

Biographical information

Full Name

Tamora Patricia Mitchell


  • Tam (by everyone)
  • Patty (by family only)
  • Tammy (by her friends and cousins)
  • Cupcake (by her parents)


Mid-2007; San Francisco


Married to Fletcher Belland (mortal)



Physical description





Hair Color


Eyes color


Skin color


Family information


  • Posie Belland (Eldest Daughter)
  • Glen Belland II (Adopted Youngest Son)


  • Katherine Grace "Kat" Mitchell (twin sister)
  • Henry Samuel "Junior" Mitchell Jr. (adoptive younger brother)


  • Paige Matthews (mother)
  • Henry Mitchell Sir. (father)


  • Mr. and Mrs. Matthews † (adoptive maternal grandparents)
  • Patty Halliwell † (biological maternal grandmother)
  • Sam Wilder (biological maternal grandfather)
  • Unnamed adoptive maternal grandparents 


  • Prue Halliwell † (aunt)
  • Piper Halliwell (aunt)
  • Phoebe Halliwell † (aunt)
  • Leo Wyatt (uncle)
  • Coop Halliwell (uncle)


  • Colton Turner † (cousin)
  • Wyatt Halliwell (cousin)
  • Chris Halliwell (cousin)
  • Melinda Halliwell (cousin)
  • P.J. Halliwell (cousin)
  • Parker Halliwell (cousin)
  • Peyton Halliwell (cousin)

  • Penny Halliwell † (maternal great-grandmother)
  • Allen Halliwell † (maternal great-grandfather)
  • Jessica Belland (mother-in-law)
  • Glen Belland (father-in-law)
  • Laurel Belland (sister-in-law)
  • Edmund Raynor (brother-in-law)

Unborn two twin nephews (via Kat and Ed)


  • Kat Mitchell (close family; besties)
  • Fletcher Belland (friend/husband)
  • Laurel Belland (close friend)
  • Parker Halliwell (close friend)
  • Fletcher Belland (husband/soulmate)
  • Unknown Ex-Boyfriend
  • Shadow Demon/The Woogyman
  • Demons
  • Warlocks
  • Darklighters

Magical characteristics

Active powers

  • Molecular Acceleration
  • Telepathy (twin connection with Kat only)
  • Hydrokinesis
  • Aerokinesis
  • Whitelighter Powers

Basic powers

  • Spell Casting
  • Scrying
  • Potion Brewing
  • Mediumship

Magical items

  • Book of Shadows (family)
  • Tam Mitchell's Book of Shadows (personal)
  • Tam & Kat's Book of Really Cool Sh*t (personal)



  • Magic School, Pre-School
  • St. Mary's, Kindergarten - Eighth Grade
  • Baker High School, Class of 2025
  • Columbia University Undergraduate, Class of 2029
  • Columbia University MSW, Class of 2031


  • Social Worker assisting the mortal world and magical community
  • Protector of the Innocent
  • Whitelighter


  • The Charmed Ones
  • The Elders
  • Henry Mitchell

Character information

First appearance

Forever Charmed (as a child)


Tamora was born on July 7, 2007, to Paige Matthews, a Witch-Whitelighter Hybrid, and Henry Mitchell, a mortal. She is the firstborn twin, followed by her sister, Kat Mitchell, and her younger adopted brother, Henry Mitchell, Jr.

Although Tamora's powers were bound as a toddler until her thirteenth birthday, she received the same lessons and instruction as the rest of her cousins, even attending the preschool at Magic School. Despite what would seem to be an apparent disadvantage, Tamora mastered her powers almost instantly once they were unbound, and came into them very quickly. Unfortunately, having her powers bound did not prevent certain demons from targeting her as a child, due to her status as the descendant of a Charmed One.

Tamora and Kat have always been the best of friends, and would often swap places for fun, taking great pleasure in seeing how long it took someone to notice. Most of the time, Melinda or Junior would figure it out first, knowing instantly who was who. Tamora, Kat, and Melinda spent a lot of time together growing up, as they were in the same grade in school. Taking after their mother, Tamora, and Kat frequently tested the boundaries and pushed the limits, which landed them in trouble and often got them grounded.

Tamora met Fletcher Belland and his younger sister Laurel as a teenager after her mother reunited with her childhood friend, Glen, and his wife, Jessica. The Bellands invited them to spend their Winter holiday with them in Australia, where it would be Summer, so their kids could get to know each other. Tamora befriended them right away, immediately catching Fletcher's eye. However, it took him a while to pluck up the courage to ask her out. Tamora instantly accepted, and they maintained a long-distance relationship throughout high school and college, facilitated by her ability to the orb, eventually getting married and living in Australia.

Significant Events

Tamora's First Sleepover (age 7): Tam, Kat, and Mel come face to face with a Shadow Demon/Woogeyman while attending a friend's birthday sleepover with the rest of the girls in their class.

Unbinding of Tamora's Powers (age 13): Tam and Kat have their powers unbound on their thirteenth birthday. They decide to start their own private Book, just between the two of them, filling it with everything they know and continuing to learn about magic and anything they make up on their own. They call it Tam & Kat's Book of Really Cool Sh*t, a title they end up laughing over as adults.

Meeting Fletcher and Laurel + The Matthews-Mitchell Family Holiday (age 15): Tam and Kat meet their mother's childhood friend and his family, and Tam becomes instant best friends with Glen's children; Tam, Kat, and Mel attempt to vanquish a water demon with nearly dire consequences.

Becoming a Whitelighter (age 23): Tamora chooses to become a Whitelighter, serving and guiding charges just like her mother. She learns a lot from her experiences helping others, which ends up leading her down a path she hadn't even imagined.

Branching Out (age 25): With two years of experience as a Whitelighter under her belt, Tamora expands her field of Social Work to aid and support the magical community when a member of one of her charge's community is killed, leaving behind an infant son, who she adopts with her husband. This event makes her realize that this happens more often than anyone realizes and that orphaned magical children don't always fit in with mortal families and can't always find a home. She vows to change this.


Tamora is a free-spirited, adventurous individual who enjoys traveling and seeing the world. She is incredibly strong and determined, as well as kind and caring. Tamora takes her Wiccan duties very seriously and is dedicated to her craft. She has a drive and a need to help others, and will always go out of her way to make sure that someone has everything they need.

Powers and Abilities

Active Powers:

  • Molecular Acceleration - The ability to speed up molecules, causing objects to catch fire. Channeling the ability through her hands, was the first power that Tam obtained having used it for the first time on her second birthday with she set fire to the sofa. Henry considered binding her powers, though Paige believed that that could make it harder for Tam in the future to use and control her powers.

  • Telepathy - The power to read and broadcast the thoughts of oneself and others. Tam has used this ability to communicate with her twin sister, Kat on three different occasions.
    • Power Replication: The ability to temporarily replicate the powers of others and use them at will. Some users may also become more resistant to the powers they are replicating.
    • Mind Manipulation: The ability to manipulate and/or control the minds of other beings.
  • Hydrokinesis - The ability to create, control, and manipulate water and liquids in general.

    • Channeling: This power can be channeled through the use of one's hands. The hand movement for this power is a free-flowing hand between a rigid hand and a balled-up fist. This may represent the state of water between frozen and boiled. It may also represent the flowing movements of water and the movement of water molecules in the liquid state. However, not all mermaids activate this power in this way, each of them has a unique way of activating it.
  • Aerokinesis - The weather power to summon and control the wind and the air. Tam was unable to control her new power and accidentally knocks one of her ex-boyfriends down once.

Whitelighter Powers

  • Orbing: The ability to teleport oneself from one place to another with the use of orbs. Unlike her sister, Tam doesn't tend to take advantage of her powers, including her ability to an orb, though she has become very proficient at orbing, and is also able to remote orb people from one place to another. She also uses the ability whenever it is necessary.  
  • Healing: The ability to heal the injuries and wounds of others. Unlike her sister, Tam has become great at healing others, and it is the only ability that she doesn't appear to weaken. It is also believed that her healing is more advanced due to her more passive nature and is said to be just as good and powerful as a whitelighter or elders healing abilities.
  • Sensing: The ability to locate charges as well as the family. Although she has full control over her powers, she does tend to make her abilities seem weaker when with Kat, by using them along with her. She does try to help strengthen both her abilities and Kat's by playing hide and seek with her sensing.  
  • Cloaking: The ability to hide someone magically from others. Although she has full control over her powers, she does tend to make her abilities seem weaker when with Kat, by using them along with her. She does try to help strengthen both her abilities and Kat's by playing hide and seek with her cloaking.  
  • Glamouring: The ability to change one's appearance into the form of another. Though Tam doesn't take advantage of her abilities, she does tend to use her glamouring more so than her other abilities, with her often using the ability to glamour her sister, after they changed their appearances to look different from one another, to protect her from getting into trouble.  

Basic Powers

  • Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals.
  • Potion Making: The ability to brew potions.
  • Scrying: The ability to locate another person or object via a crystal and a map.
  • Mediumship: The ability to see and commune with the spirits of the dead.

Other Powers

  • Twin Bond: Along with being a daughter of a Charmed One, Tam is also a twin resulting in her having a very unique connection and bond with Kat. The twins seem to have an enhanced twin connection thanks to their powers with them being able to sense and feel one another on a completely new level.
    • Telepathy: The ability to read/sense and understand other people's thoughts and feelings. Thanks to the twin bond the sisters can hear one another's thoughts although this ability only works between the two of them and it also took them a long time to learn to be able to control and access the ability properly, however, Tam seems to be stronger at the telepathy than Kat.
    • Augmentation: The ability to enhance one's abilities. Due to the twin bond between the sisters, they can access this ability but only when they are in contact with one another. The twins first used this ability during their thirteenth birthday party which caused a major magical disaster, however, with practice the twins are also able to dampen their powers as well as enhance them.
  • High Resistance: The ability to be more resilient to powers that could be potentially lethal.
  • Advanced Combat: As the child of a Charmed One, Tam has been trained to fight by her Aunt Phoebe, her father Henry, and her Uncle J.D.
  • Temporary Powers: As a witch and child of a Charmed One, Tam has temporarily been able to use abilities not belonging to them, due to either a spell or a transformation. 

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