Sunday, July 30, 2023

Jo Turner Halliwell/Dark Future 2061

Jo Turner a.k.a The Savior

Biographical data

Full Name:

Pristine Johnna Turner Halliwell




  • P.J. (everyone except her aunts and uncles)
  • Jo (friends except family members)
  • Ms. Turner (by non-family members)
  • Ms. Halliwell (by non-family members)


Penelope Johnson




Relationship with Matthew Halliwell (started. 2060)

Physical description




Demon-Witch-Cupid (Hybrid)



Hair color:

Dark brown

Eye Color:


Skin color:




Family information


  • Benjamin Coop "Ben" Turner † (Youngest Brother)
  • Colette Phoebe Turner † (Youngest Sister)
  • Parker Halliwell (Mother)
  • Cole Turner (Father)
  • Phoebe Halliwell † (maternal)
  • Coop Halliwell † (maternal)
  • Elizabeth Turner (paternal)
  • Benjamin Turner † (paternal)
  • P.J. Halliwell †
  • Peyton Halliwell †
  • Lucas Scott
  • Ryan Lancaster
  • Colton Turner †
Maternal Cousins:
  • Matthew "Matt" Halliwell
  • Prudence Lynn "Prue" Halliwell III
  • Brianna Victoria "Bri" Halliwell †
  • Charlene Elizabeth Turner
  • Paul Coop Lancaster
  • Peter Victor Lancaster †
  • Philip Allen Lancaster †
  • Phoebe Celeste Halliwell II †
  • Pamela Penelope "Pam" Halliwell
  • Paris Billie Halliwell
  • Posie Patricia Belland
  • Glen Belland II † (adopted)



  • Charlene Turner
  • Pam Halliwell
  • Posie Mitchell Belland
  • Matthew Halliwell
  • Prue Halliwell III
  • Paul Lancaster
  • Paris Halliwell

Dating Matthew Halliwell (witch-whitelighter; boyfriend)

Magical information

Basic Powers:

  • Spell Casting
  • Potion Brewing
  • Scrying
  • Mediumship
Active Powers:
  • Telekinetic Shimmering
  • Premonition
  • Levitation
  • Force Field
  • Molecular Deceleration
  • Beaming
  • Shimmering

Inactive powers:

  • High Residence
  • Adjusting
  • Sensing

Magical Items:

  • Book of Shadows (Family)
  • Turner Book of Shadows (Family)





  • Going back in time to save the future
  • Saving/protecting the future and innocent

Matthew Halliwell

  • Good
  • Magical community
  • Halliwell-Turner Family
  • The Elders (formerly)

Character information

Illustrated by:

Addison Timlin (adult)


7 (possible)

First seen:

Days of the Past Dark Future (Future-Me)

Jo Turner Halliwell is the firstborn child and the eldest daughter of Parker Halliwell a middle-charmed one, and Cole Turner a half-demon, the oldest sister of Ben and Colette Turner Halliwell.


Early Life in Dark Future

Jo was born in 2034 to Parker Halliwell and Cole Turner. Jo had a peaceful childhood until she and her family were involved battle against The Source when most of her family members died. Unfortunately, her younger sister and brother were also killed. Her parents and some family members survived. After her siblings died, her mother fell into depression and wanted revenge on the Source. Her father went missing after the death of her siblings.

Dark Future

In the future, P.J. and Peyton Halliwell are killed, and only Parker survives however Tam Mitchell becomes Source's slave after the death of her parents and twin sister. Jo was romantically involved with her maternal cousin, Matthew Halliwell. He helped her sneak into the Manor and bring the Book of Shadows back, unfortunately, the manor is abandoned and under a protection spell that The Source put on however somehow Matt broke the spell and Jo took a book along herself to magic school. They would be able to find a spell that sends Jo back in time to 2034 to keep Tam from turning evil.

Powers and Abilities

Active Powers:

  • Telekinetic Shimmering - the ability to move and teleport objects with the mind through shimmers.
    • Deviation: The ability to manipulate your current magical power to deflect/send energies back in the direction they came from. Jo can send attacks back in mid-air or by calling for them and sending them back.
    • Remote Shimmering: The ability to shimmer other people from one place to another.
  • Premonition - the ability to see past, present, and future.
    • Intuition: The ability to sense when something is about to happen before it does. This allows her to sense and predict attacks.
    • Astral Premonition: The ability to receive visions of the future while simultaneously astral projecting into said future.
    • Sharing Visions: The ability to share visions with other psychics by holding hands, palm to palm.
  • Levitation - The ability to propel oneself into the air and hover or move through the air slightly. It´s the weaker form of Fligh and it´s used mainly to avoid attacks.
  • Force Field - The ability to create force fields is often referred to as Shielding. This power is very rare and is only possessed by a few magical beings, who can be either good or evil.
  • Molecular Deceleration - The ability to slow down the molecules of a person or object to the point that they appear to be slowing down in time. Jo channeled this power by flicking her hands at whatever or whoever she wished to slow down. She gained the power of Kat Mitchell after her death however in the good future, she never gained this power because her dark future was erased and Kat was alive.
  • Beaming - The teleportation power used by Cupids and Witch Cupids. Allows the user to teleport one's self to another place.
  • Shimmering - the ability to teleport in the form of a shimmer.

Inactive Powers:
  • High Resistance: The ability to survive lethal attacks and be resistant to injuries.
  • Sensing: the ability to sense a person that is alive, anywhere in the world.

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