Friday, January 12, 2018

Parker Halliwell-Turner

Parker Halliwell a.k.a Middle Sister

Biographical information

Full Name:

Parker Elise Halliwell

Date of Birth:


Birth Location:

Halliwell Manor, San Francisco; California

  • 9 (as a child; in 2018)
  • 18 (Season 1; in 2027)
  • Parks (everyone, except her sisters)
  • Junebug (by her mother)
  • Ms. Halliwell
  • Mrs. Turner

Married to Cole Turner (m. 2032 - currently)



  • Charmed One
  • Telepath
Physical description


Witch (cupid blood genes)



Hair color:
  • Blond (currently; dyed)
  • Brown, Straight (originally; formerly)
Eye color:


Skin color:


Family information

  • Pristine Johnna "Jo" Turner (Daughter; of Cole)
  • Benjamin Coop "Ben" Turner II (Son; with Cole)
  • Colette Phoebe "Lotte" Turner (Daughter; of Cole)
  • Colton Turner † (Maternal Oldest Half-Brother)
  • Prudence Johnna "P.J." Halliwell (Oldest sister)
  • Peyton Paige Halliwell (Little sister)
  • Phoebe "Pheebs" Halliwell † (Mother)
  • Coop Halliwell (Father)
  • Patricia "Patty" Halliwell † (Grandmother)
  • Victor Bennett (Grandfather)
  • Unnamed Paternal Grandparents † (Mortals)
  • Prudence "Prue" Halliwell † (Maternal Aunt)
  • Piper Halliwell-Wyatt (Maternal Aunt)
  • Paige Matthews (Maternal Aunt)
  • Billie Jenkins (Surrogate Aunt)
  • Leo Wyatt (Maternal Uncle)
  • Henry Mitchell, Sir. (Maternal Uncle)
Cousins (maternal):
  • Wyatt Matthew Halliwell
  • Christopher Perry "Chris" Halliwell
  • Prudence Melinda "Mel" Halliwell
  • Tamora "Tam" Mitchell
  • Katherine Grace "Kat" Mitchell
  • Henry "Junior" Mitchell, Jr. (adopted by Paige & Henry)
  • Ryan Lancaster (Brother-in-law; via P.J.)
  • Lucas Scott (Brother-in-law; via Peyton)
  • Elizabeth Turner (Mother-in-law)
  • Benjamin Colerige Turner † (Father-in-law)
  • Paige Matthews
  • Henry Mitchell

  • Peyton Halliwell (close sisterhood bond)
  • Melinda "Mel" Halliwell (close friend)
  • Tamora "Tam" Mitchell (close friend)
  • Prudence Johnna "P.J." Halliwell (Best Friend)
  • Amelia Benson (Mortal; friend)
  • Simon Ambrose † (Warlock; vanquished)
  • Colton Turner † (Witch-Demon; vanquished)
  • Demons
  • Warlocks
  • Evil Witches
  • The Source of All Evil
  • Cole Turner (Half-Demon; Husband)
  • Bobby Hunter (Mortal; Ex-Boyfriend)
  • Nathaniel James (Mortal; Ex-Boyfriend)
  • Josh Walker (Mortal; Ex-Boyfriend)
  • Noah (Mortal; Ex-Boyfriend, first episode season 2 but she ended because he cheated on her with her bestie)
  • Lucas Scott (Whitelighter; former crush in middle season 1)
  • Simon Ambrose † (Warlock; Ex-Boyfriend, started dating before Pilot/ended because she discovered he was a warlock)
Magical characteristics

Active powers:
  • Telepathic Manipulation
  • Levitation
  • Mental Inducement
  • Cloning
  • Beaming
  • Remote Beaming
Inactive powers:
  • The Power of Three (collective)
  • High Resistance
Magical items:
  • Book of Shadows
  • Athame
  • Losing one of her sisters
  • Basements
  • Rats
  • Losing a child 
  • Becoming evil 

Having a family of her own (fulfilled)

Mental issues

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Middle Sister syndrome
  • Trust issues

  • Turner Mansion (Currently)
  • Halliwell Manor (Formerly)
  • Coop and Phoebe Halliwell's Home (Formerly)
  • Phoebe and Coop's Condo (Formerly)

San Francisco, California

  • San Francisco College (formerly)
  • San Francisco Baker High School (formerly)
  • Owner/Singer at P3 Club (currently)
  • Waitress at Halliwell's Restaurant (formerly)
  • Former Student at Baker High School (at the beginning)
  • Protecting the innocent (currently)
  • Lucas Scott (formerly)
  • Wyatt Halliwell (formerly)
  • The Elders
  • The Charmed Ones
  • Warren-Halliwell Family
  • Turner Family
  • Cole Turner
Past Life:

Agnes Bowen-Russell

Character information

First appearance 
  • Something Wicked This Way Comes (Season 1 as an adult)
  • Forever Charmed (Season 8 as a child) 
Portrayed By
  • Maia Mitchell
  • Adair Tishler (as little Parker)

"I'm sorry, but being a Witch is one of my top priorities, part of who I am. 
We can't just give up our Heritage!"

— Parker talks to her sisters, P.J. and Peyton.

Parker is the middle child. She is the eighth oldest cousin. Parker is caring and mature to those she holds dear, but can turn very easily when she feels as though someone isn't to be trusted. She is flirty like her mother and is a telepath, unlike her mother.



Parker was born a natural birth at the Halliwell Manor during a chaotic time when all magical beings had no powers and the mortal world gained the ability to use magic. Her uncle Leo acted as her mother's midwife and delivered the baby.
Parker was conceived by two magical parents, a witch, and a cupid. But, at the time of her birth, both her parents had no magic, resulting in Parker being born with magical genes but without any magic.

Teenage Years

Parker was a lot like her mother and aunt Paige, she had a rebellious stage. She was always getting into trouble which was stressful for her father and the rest of her family. Her older sister P.J. would often look out for her and keep an eye on her, to make sure she was alright.

In her early teenage years, Parker went to martial arts classes with her cousins Henry Jr. and Melinda.

After High School

Parker often works at her aunt Piper's restaurant, while she is in her second year of college.

Powers and Abilities

Witch powers:
  • Telepathic Manipulation - the power to manipulate the telepathic powers of others or oneself to various effects such as bestowing someone a telepathic-related ability, weakening them, inducing limits, or augmenting them to the point they can manipulate the minds of everything and anything they desire. It is considered a rare power, possessed by only a few magical beings, though most have only been shown to possess limited forms of telepathy. For that reason, only a select few with this power are considered and referred to as Telepaths. This is Parker's primary Wicca power in season 1. Parker can use telepathy to sense the location of other beings and it makes her immune to Barbas hypnosis.
    • Thought Manipulation - control the thoughts of others; they can make others think what they want, control thinking processes, cause the loss of their line of thought induce confusion, or completely shut off thinking processes.
    • Channelling: The ability to draw upon the powers of other beings, thus allowing the channeller to harness or exploit the activated powers of those they are channelling.
    • Deviation: Parker can deviate from attacks back at enemies by channelling their emotions.
    • Power Replication: The ability to channel and replicate the powers of other magical beings within close proximity.
    • Dream Leaping: The ability to enter and manipulate the dreams of other beings. Parker once entered the mind of her sister PJ after she was trapped in a dream world by Barbas. Also, she saved Bianca and Chris's deep dream spell that Phoenix witches put them to stop their wedding.
    • Mental Inducement: The ability to temporarily push the target's mind into the wanted state.
    • Telepathic Immobilization: The ability to freeze objects or people with a hand or mind.
  • Levitation - The ability to defy gravity and rise up into the air. Like her mother, Parker uses this power in combination with martial arts to fight demons and enhance her agility.
    • Flight: the power to defy gravity and propel oneself through the air at tremendous speeds and heights. Self-propelled flight is by far the fastest way to fly to one's desired destination without having to teleport all the way there.
    • Projective Levitation: the ability to lift things upwards into the air with the power of one's mind without physically touching them. This may even include things so large that the person does not have the strength to move them physically.

  • Cloning - The ability to create an exact duplicate of oneself, including any other powers that the user possesses. The clothing worn and objects held are cloned as well.

Cupid Powers:
  • Beaming - The ability to teleport anywhere in the world and universe instantaneously.
    • Remote Beaming: The ability to teleport other people from one place to another with the mind. Once she used this power to teleport Cole from Underworld to Manor.

Inactive Powers:
  • The Power of Three: The collective power of the Charmed Ones enhances their abilities.
    • High Resistance: The ability to be highly resistant to physical and magical harm.
  • Sensing: The ability to determine the location and status of other beings by concentrating on them. It is a common power possessed by both Good and Evil.

    Temporary Powers:
    • Temporal Manipulation: The ability to slow down molecules to the point that they freeze. She and her maternal cousin, Mel swapped their powers with each other accidentally.

    Natural Abilities:
    • Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant: To make up for initially only having passive power, Parker trained with Cole (her mom's ex) for a short period. She eventually became the most effective hand-to-hand fighter among the two sisters.
    • Enhanced Agility: Defined as moving quickly and easily from one motion to another. She acquired this skill through intense combat training, later enhanced because of her levitation power.
    • Singing: Singing was Parker's natural skill.

    Family Relationship

    • Parker and Phoebe Halliwell: Parker and Phoebe had a close mother/daughter relationship but not as close as Phoebe and P.J.'s.
    • Parker and Coop Halliwell: Parker and Coop had a close father/daughter relationship.
    • Parker and P.J. Halliwell: Parker is very close with her older sister, P.J. unlike her younger sister, Peyton.
    • Parker and Peyton Halliwell: Parker has a close relationship with her younger sister, Peyton.
    • Parker Halliwell and Colton Turner: Parker seems close relationship with her half-brother unlike her older sister, P.J. who did not trust him.

    Romantic Life
    • Parker Halliwell and Cole Turner: Cole is Parker's current husband. They first meet when Parker is a trouble with her memory loss and Cole finds her on the street.
    • Parker Halliwell and Bobby Hunter: Bobby is Parker's mortal ex-boyfriend after she took a break with Cole for a while.
    • Parker Halliwell and Nathaniel James: Nathan was Parker's mortal ex-boyfriend. They dated in season 1 after Parker and her sisters destroyed Simon a warlock but Parker still had short of trust issues if Nathan was possibly also a warlock, and she cast a truth spell on him however he was not a warlock and continued dating in season 2 also.
    • Parker Halliwell and Simon Ambrose: Simon was Parker's warlock ex-boyfriend before she and her sisters vanquished Simon and his brother, Phil.
    • Parker Halliwell and Josh Walker: Josh was Parker's mortal ex-boyfriend. They dated pre-pilot but broke up after Josh turned out to a gay however they stayed friends still.

    • Parker Halliwell and Amelia Benson: After many troubles, they became best friends, but their relationship ended when Amelia slept with a boy whom Parker had a crush on.
    • Parker and P.J. Halliwell: P.J. is Parker's best friend and also her older sister. Parker is very close to P.J. after Parker finds a boy who she likes sleeping with her best friend, Amelia, and their relationship ends then P.J. comforts her afterwards.
    • Parker and Mel Halliwell: Mel is Parker's close friend and also her cousin and sister-in-law. Parker has a close relationship with her cousin however after Mel begins marriage to Parker's half-brother their relationship falls off when Mel discovers Colton wants their family's magic himself and turns her evil.

    Studies and Professions

    • San Francisco Baker High School: Parker and her family attended this school. Parker went to martial arts classes with her cousins Henry Jr. and Melinda. During her early beginnings at school, she lost her mother, so she formed stronger bonds with Amelia Benson however their relationship ended because Parker had a crush on a boy whom Amelia slept with and Parker decided to switch schools after that.
    • San Francisco College: At some point in season 2, Parker enrolled here a year and a half after she had to leave her high school there while she was in her second year, she works often at her aunt Piper's restaurant.
    • Halliwell's Restaurant: After high school, Parker often works at her aunt Piper's restaurant, while she is in her second year of college. She was a waitress there and wanted to earn her own money not live at someone's expense.
    • P3 Club: After she quit Halliwell's, P.J. bought P3 Club for her sister, Parker, and Parker made her sisters co-owners after that.

    Alternate Realities

    Alternate Future 2037

    In the future, Parker is a businesswoman, after her older sister's death, she cancels her engagement with Cole because of the death of her sister and she becomes cold and distant from everyone even her own family members. She moves back to Halliwell Manor to live with her younger sister, Peyton was just divorced from her husband and living with her son however she meets her ex-boyfriend, Bobby Hunter who she soon marries and has kids. They live now in NYC.

    Dark Future 2061

    In the dark universe, Parker's family is dead expecting the last of them who is left only. Parker's two youngest children died during a battle with the Source but her eldest daughter, Jo survived only.

    • Phoebe found out she was pregnant with her second daughter from Cole Turner. He revealed to her that she was pregnant and would give birth in "eight months or so."
    • At the time of her birth, neither of her parents had magic and Phoebe worried if this would affect Parker having powers.
    • Phoebe chose Parker's name from a list of 50 P names compiled by Paige.
    • Parker, her mom, and her cousin Wyatt were all born in the manor. It means she has been affected by darkness like her mom and cousin Wyatt.
    • Parker and Wyatt were both born into a world where their parents had no powers.
    • Parker was born 2 years after her older sister, 4 years before her younger sister, and 6 months after her aunt Paige officially adopted her son Henry Jr., which makes her the eighth oldest of the Charmed progeny.
    • Parker and her sister Peyton are only cupid-witches with no cupid ring and no sensing ability except P.J. who has them all.
    • Both Parker and her mother fall in love with a demon named Cole Turner.

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