Friday, January 12, 2018

P.J. Halliwell-Lancaster

P.J. Halliwell a.k.a Super Witch

Biographical information

Full Name:

Prudence Johnna Halliwell

  • Prudence " Prue" Halliwell
  • Penelope "Penny" Johnson-Halliwell

February 22, 2007; San Francisco

  • 11 (as a child; in 2018)
  • 20 (Season 1; in 2027)
  • P.J. (by everyone except non-family members)
  • Prue (by her sisters except for her Mom/Aunts/Uncles)
  • Prude (Parker calls her this and sometimes others refer to the fact that she is so focused on fighting Wyatt that she has mostly given up on love)
  • Ladybug (by her mother, Phoebe only)
  • Little Phoebe (by her aunt Piper only)
  • Mini Phoebe (by Paige only)
  • Prude (by Mel only)
  • Ms. Halliwell (by non-family members)
  • Mrs. Lancaster (by non-family members)

Married to Ryan Lancaster (Witch; m. August 7, 2032 - present)

  • Charmed One
  • Messenger of Love
  • Empath
  • Prophet
Physical description


Witch (with cupid genes)



Hair color:

Sandy Brown

Eye color:


Nose size:


Skin color:


Family information

  • Paul Coop Lancaster (Son; with Ryan)
  • Peter Victor Lancaster (Son; Ryan)
  • Philip Allen Lancaster (Son; Ryan)
  • Preston Henry Lancaster (son of Ryan)
  • Colton Turner † (H)
  • Parker Elise Halliwell (Younger Sister)
  • Peyton Paige Halliwell (Baby Sister)
  • Phoebe "Pheebs" Halliwell † (mother)
  • Coop Halliwell (father)
  • Phoebe Celeste Halliwell II (Niece; via Peyton and Lucas)
  • Pamela Penelope Halliwell (Niece; via Peyton and Lucas
  • Paris Billie Halliwell (Niece; via Peyton and Lucas)
  • Prudence "Prue" Halliwell † (aunty)
  • Piper Halliwell-Wyatt (Aunty)
  • Paige Matthews-Mitchell (aunty)
  • Billie Jenkins (surrogate aunty)
  • Leonardo Christopher "Leo" Wyatt (uncle)
  • Henry Mitchell, Sir. (uncle)
  • Mel Halliwell (via Colton)
  • Lucas Scott (via Peyton)
  • Cole Turner (via Parker)
  • Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster † (parents-in-law; via Ryan's)
Maternal Cousins:
  • Wyatt Matthew Halliwell
  • Christopher Perry "Chris" Halliwell
  • Melinda Prudence "Mel" Halliwell
  • Tamora "Tam" Mitchell
  • Katherine "Kat" Mitchell
  • Henry "Junior" Mitchell, Jr. (adopted)
  • Patty Halliwell † (maternal)
  • Victor Bennett (maternal)
  • Unknown Paternal Grandparents †
  • Penny Halliwell † (Grams)
  • Allen Halliwell † (Grandpa)
  • Piper Halliwell
  • Leo Wyatt

  • Parker Halliwell (Best Friend)
  • Peyton Halliwell (close friend)
  • Lexie Jenkins Ross (close friend)
  • Wyatt Halliwell
  • Chris Halliwell
  • Kat Mitchell
  • Tam Mitchell
  • Mel Halliwell
  • Phil Ambrose (Warlock; ex-boyfriend, vanquished)
  • Daniel Gordon, Jr. (Mortal; ex-boyfriend, break up)
  • Ryan Lancaster (Witch; Husband)
Magical characteristics

Active Powers:
  • Telekinesis (witch power)
  • Advanced Telekinesis (witch power)
  • Telekinetic Beaming (witch power)
  • Astral Projection (witch power)
  • Sensing (cupid power)
  • Telekinetic Molecular Combustion (witch power)
  • Projection (ring power)
  • Cryokinesis (witch power)
  • Beaming (cupid power)
  • Premonition (witch power)
  • Temporal Stasis (ring power)
  • Psychic Reflection (witch power)
  • Remote Beaming (cupid power)
  • Empathy (witch power)
  • Suggestion (ring power)
  • Time Travel (ring power)
  • Holograms (ring power)
  • Love Detection (ring power)

Inactive powers:
  • The Power of Three
  • High Resistance

Basic powers:
  • Spell Casting
  • Potion Making
  • Scrying
  • Mediumship

Magical items
  • The Book of Shadows (family)
  • Cupid Ring (Personal)
  • Being inferior in Phoebe Halliwell (conquered)
  • Losing one of her sisters
  • Becoming evil (conquered)

A normal life

Mental issues

  • Anxiety
  • Depression

  • Cupid Agent (currently)
  • Photo Journalist (at the beginning; formerly)
  • Protecting the innocent
  • Waitress (formerly; in New York)
  • Former Student (formerly)
  • Baker High School (formerly)
  • New York College (formerly)
  • San Francisco, California (currently)
  • New York (formerly)
  • P.J. and Ryan Lancaster's Home (Currently)
  • Halliwell Manor (Formerly)
  • Dorm at New York College (Formerly)
  • Coop and Phoebe Halliwell's Home (Formerly)
  • Phoebe and Coop's Condo (Formerly)
  • Liliana
  • Michael
  • Claire
  • Ryan Lancaster
  • Lola
  • Wyatt Halliwell (formerly at the beginning)
  • Lucas Scott (currently)
  • Cupids
  • The Elders
  • The Charmed Ones
Past Life:

Melinda Bowen

Character information

First appearance:
  • Something Wicked This Way Comes (Season 1 as an adult)
  • Witchness Protection (Season 7 as a child)
Portrayed By:
  • Sierra Paris (child)
  • Nina Dobrev (adult)

Grams: "What else would you call Prudence Johnna Halliwell?— Grams giving P.J. her nickname. 

Phoebe: "P.J.?" — Phoebe to Grams as thinking about a nickname.

Prudence Johnna Halliwell is named after her deceased aunt, Prudence Halliwell, therefore being Prudence Halliwell II. She is the daughter of the witch, Phoebe Halliwell, and Cupid, Coop. This would make her a half-breed and perhaps very powerful. In 2009 she welcomed a little sister named Parker Halliwell.

This is the daughter Phoebe had foreseen three times, and she was also nicknamed 'Ladybug'. Her middle name Johnna is revealed to have been derived from her great-grandmother Penny "Grams" Halliwell's maiden name Johnson.



"Not only is it possible, but it's also destined"
—Coop to Phoebe

Coop, a cupid, was sent by the Elders to help Phoebe fix her love life, as she had lost interest having given it up so many times for the greater good. Not only had Phoebe lost faith in love and her powers, but she'd also lost faith that she would ever have the daughter she saw in the future. Coop advised Phoebe that it wasn't too late and that her daughter was in fact destined to be born.


"I don’t know how to get past the whole forbidden love thing"
—Phoebe to Coop about their relationship

Her parent's marriage and her eventual birth were almost unrealized, as her parents kept denying their feelings for each other to avoid heartache. Cupids usually are not allowed to have relationships with their charges, whether mortal or magical, as it was told to be too complicated and dangerous by the Elders. Just like at first, they forbid Piper and Leo's relationship.
The Elders made an exception for Phoebe and Coop, due to everything they put her through over the years, so their relationship was not forbidden, like Piper and Leo's. After dating for a few months, Coop proposed to Phoebe and was later married by an Angel of Destiny at the newly regained Magic School.


Phoebe and Coop conceived P.J. while they were on their honeymoon. Phoebe decided to continue the tradition of giving Halliwell children names that begin with "P", Phoebe named her daughter Prudence after her late sister, Prue, and Johnna after her grandmother's maiden name, Johnson.

Coming Into Her Powers

P.J. came into her powers about three months after her birth. Her mother was getting ready to leave for work when the infant beamed her back into the house and her mother got jealous and thought she had better power, revealing to her parents that she had come into her powers. P.J. came into her powers around the same time as her cousin Melinda, yet faster than her other cousins, Kat and Tamora, even though they were much older than her. About a year after she first came into her powers, P.J.'s remote beaming power grew, enabling her to beam herself. She used this to beam herself up onto a cabinet in Magic School.

Teenage Years

She was always trying to set her sisters up on dates. P.J. wants her sisters to find love and be happy. She played volleyball and did cheerleading. P.J. got mostly B's and sometimes A's in high school. She became a Cupid agent on her eighteenth birthday. P.J. takes her cupid duties just as seriously as her Wiccan duties. Helping people find love makes P.J. feel good and seeing other people happy makes her happy too.

After High School

P.J. went to college for business. She went to work at 415 Magazine as a Photo Journalist where her deceased aunt Prue worked once before her death. Her younger sister, Peyton went to work there also at the beginning but quit because she wanted to open her own business.

P.J.'s car accident

P.J. gets into a car accident with her friends and falls into a coma after that while Colton/The Source manipulates her mind by sending her to an alternate world.

Powers and Abilities

Active Powers:
  • Telekinetic Beaming - The ability to move or teleport objects from one location to another through the use of beams. This power is a hybrid combination of the powers Beaming and Telekinesis, where instead of moving the object with the mind alone, the object is moved through the use of orbs. This power is possessed by several Cupid-Witches, the children of a Cupid and a Witch. This power was first seen used by P.J. Halliwell and was considered a rare power, though it has become a somewhat common power with the revelation and birth of more Cupid-Witches.
    • Deviation: The ability to manipulate your current magical power to deflect/send energies back in the direction they came from. PJ can send attacks back in mid-air or by calling for them and sending them back.
    • Remote Beaming: The ability to teleport other beings through Beaming without physical contact.
    • Advanced Telekinesis: The ability to move objects over vast distances and move objects of extreme weight. Releasing a wave of telekinetic energy that can cause things to combust through high pressure. Utilizing enough force on an object causes it to explode. Deflecting multiple powers at once then slicing and killing instantly.
    • Telekinetic Molecular Combustion: The ability to speed up molecules to the point that cause an explosion only when moved. It is a variation of the powers of Telekinesis and Molecular Combustion. Prue is only capable of using it when she moves an object or a being. When she moves the being or object it blows up upon impact with something else. Prue received this power in the first episode and can control it quickly.
    • Agility: the ability that provides the possessor with inhuman agility, reflexes, and speed. It allows them to perform incredible feats such as superhuman jumps and leaps without much effort.
  • Astral Projection - The ability to project one's consciousness (or soul) into an astral form outside the body. When a person astral projects, their physical body falls to the floor, slumps over, or remains still until they return. This is P.J.'s second witch power like her deceased aunt Prudence Halliwell had once.
  • Premonition - The ability to see and experience events from the past, present, and future. Prue has premonitions when touching an object. Phoebe got a premonition the very first moment she held her daughter for the first time. It was probably and shared premonition between both. Sometimes Prue feels what others and herself are feeling in her visions.
    • Sharing Visions: The ability to share visions with other psychics by holding hands, palm to palm. This is probably what happened the very first time Phoebe held her daughter in her arms.
    • Astral Premonition: It is a combination of the powers of Premonition and Astral Projection and it´s the ability to project one´s consciousness into a future event allowing the user to experience a premonition first-hand. Prue will probably develop this power to be able to project herself into the past.

  • Cryokinesis - The ability to generate and manipulate ice and cold. Prue activates this power by bringing her palm to her mouth and blowing on it, creating a block of powdery ice that can easily extinguish fires and freeze objects or beings within a moment. Prue's powers grew to where she just touched something and it froze, at first, this power was very out of control. She has since learned to control it but is still getting the hang of it.
  • Empathy - The ability to feel, and sense the emotions of other beings, specifically love between his charges, and understand other people's feelings and emotions.
    • Psychic Reflection: the ability to overwhelm others through emotions and unwanted sentiments.
    • Channeling: The ability to draw upon the powers of other beings, thus allowing the channeller to harness or exploit the activated capabilities of those they are channeling.
    • Deviation: Phoebe can deviate from attacks back at enemies by channeling their emotions.
    • Power Replication: The ability to channel and replicate the powers of other magical beings within close proximity.

Cupid Powers:
  • Beaming: A form of teleportation in which the user appears and disappears in pink light.
  • Sensing: The ability to locate charges. This power does not work when one of Prue's charges is in the Underworld or vice versa.
  • Hovering: The ability to rise a few feet in the air with or without the use of pink bubbles.

Ring Abilities:
  • Holograms: The ability to project images from one´s mind into reality. Holograms are projected light and energy-based images of all shapes and sizes for a variety of effects and reasons. Prue hasn´t shown this power yet.
  • Suggestion: The ability to implant thoughts in a charge´s mind. They can suggest to their charges, telepathically, to take a chance on love. Prue succeeded when she tried to make her charges Iris and Dany give a change to one another.
  • Time Travel: The ability to travel in time to teach lessons to an unwilling person. Cupids are not allowed to change the past, but Prue does it when she uses this power to prevent her friend from being killed by a demon. This power allowed her to travel to the future as well.
  • Temporal Stasis: The ability to slow down or completely stop the flow of time. Cupids use this power to slow down time and implant thoughts to charge.
  • Omnilingualism: The ability to read, speak, and understand any language. Whitelighters only use this power to communicate with charges.
  • Projection: Cupids possess a limited form of this power. Prue possesses this power in a witch form, but with the cupid ring, she´s able to use some other abilities. However, she hasn´t performed any of the following powers yet it is known that she has them.
    • Unblocking: Cupids use an energy field to bring the energy that is blocking their charge heart to the surface.
    • Body Insertion: The ability to transport another living being across any distance and place that living being in another´s person mind.
    • Soul Absorption: The ability to absorb the soul of the dead. Cupids use it to transport the souls of dead children to Cupid´s Temple.
    • Love Detection: The ability to detect fated love. Cupids use it to match people who are destined to be in love.
Other Powers:
  • Twice-Blessed Powers - The collective power that she shares with her older maternal cousin, Wyatt.
  • The Power of Three - The collective power of the Charmed Ones enhances their abilities.
    • High Resistance: This ability is active when Prue is in unity with her sisters. It is also happening while channeling the powers of another magical being.
  • The Power of Two - The ability is active when Prue is in unity with her cousin Wyatt because they were twice-blessed children.
Natural Abilities:
  • Fluency in Latin: P.J. was fluent in the Latin language as her deceased maternal aunt and namesake, Prudence Halliwell.
  • Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Though it was not shown or revealed during her early years as a witch.

Strengths and Fears

  • Herself (of being, evil, the same fear that her mother had)!
  • Not being able to be there for and/or protect Parker, and Peyton! (the same fear that her maternal aunt Prue had once)!
  • Parker and Peyton's #1 strength!
  • Her parents!
  • The rest of her family, and her friends!

Professional Life

  • College Student: She studied psychology for a year and a half, but dropped out when she found out about Parker that Peyton had been molested and she had to move back home.
  • Waitress: She worked only a short time as a waitress to send money to her sisters so that they could pay taxes.
  • 415 Magazine: She started following her deceased maternal aunt, Prudence Halliwell's footsteps to become a professional photojournalist however she quit and used her free time to figure out what she wanted to do.
  • Full-time Cupid: After quitting her job as a photojournalist for 415 Magazine, the Cupids made her a full-time Cupid. Although she resented it at first, she embraced the job after the battle with The Source.
    • Notable charges: Liliana, Michael, Claire, Ryan Lancaster, Lola

Family Relationship


  • Parker Halliwell: Parker is P.J.'s youngest sister. P.J. and Parker were extremely close with one another with them sharing a room and being the only half witch half cupids in the world, some saying that they were closer with one another than they were with their other sister, with Parker often playing the role of the middle child. The pair is used to doing everything together and even inherited their bigger abilities at the same time. After the death of their mother, P.J. promised Parker that she would make everything better, though, for a few weeks, it was she who was leaning on Parker for support while she tried to be strong for the rest of the family. P.J. and Parker have a lot of things in common with one another with them both sharing a similar personality type and being the most supportive of one another. They often use their powers hand in hand, with Parker often dampening P.J.'s empathy, and P.J. taking a more active role in protecting Parker due to her limited active powers.
  • Peyton Halliwell: Peyton is P.J.'s baby sister. Despite the near five-year difference between the two, P.J. and Peyton were very close at the beginning when they were kids. They had a healthy dose of sibling rivalry between them especially when it came to their witch skills. From the moment that Peyton was born, P.J. has said that she would always protect her, and has done with her powers of molecular combustion first appearing when a demon tried to attack Peyton when P.J. was five. However, like most sisters, they do have their moments. However, over time, things began to become strained between the pair with Peyton having a lot of insecurities about being as good a witch as P.J. Things seemed to get worse when their mother died causing Peyton to go into a slight depression. On meeting their Aunt Piper, she says that their relationship is the same as Phoebe and Prue were, and although the pair fight, they are still sisters and always have one another's back with P.J. willing to give up everything and anything to protect her sisters. Though P.J. does wish that she had more of a chance to know her baby sister, and who Peyton will be.
  • Colton Turner: Colton is P.J. and her sisters' maternal half-brother. Once he was vanquished by The seer however sisters discover that their mom brought him back to life and put him in adoption later on. Later meeting her half-brother, she does not trust him unlike her sister, Parker who was more open to Colton.
  • Phoebe Halliwell: P.J. was "freakishly close" with her mother, able to tell her everything. At birth, P.J.'s powers were shown to her parents. P.J. blames herself when her mother dies for not saving her.
  • Coop Halliwell: As a child, P.J. was very close with her father but growing up, she grew distant somehow, and after her mother died.

Romantic Life

Ryan Lancaster: Ryan was P.J.'s charge in the beginning however they fell in love with each other and they married later on.

Other Relationships:
  • Phil Ambrose: Phil was P.J.'s ex-boyfriend who turned out to be a warlock with his brother, Simon.
  • Daniel Gordon Jr.: Daniel was P.J.'s mortal ex-boyfriend. She never told him about magic existence because she found out that Daniel was the son of Daniel Gordon Sir, her maternal aunt, Piper's ex once.

Alternate Timelines

Alternate Future 2037

Prue was killed by a powerful upper-level demon, Shax who was sent by The Source like her maternal deceased aunt, Prue but not soon after she was reborn to a cupid and took a new name Charlotte. She was never allowed to revisit her family or her husband after she became a cupid for their own protection only.

Dark Future 2061

Prue and all her family were killed except Henry Jr., Parker, Mel, Chris, and Tam.

Prue's Dreamworld

P.J.'s dreamworld was created by the Demon of Illusion himself when he entered P.J.'s mind to make her mother alive again. It was part of his illusion to make PJ believe that her mom still lives in her mind but Parker breaks that by entering her sister's mind.

Colton's Alternate Reality

The Power of Three was broken due to Parker's death and P.J.'s becoming evil which led alternate Peyton to wonder alone however this event got erased by the real Parker's beam and fixed things.

Trivia and Notes
  • Both Wyatt and Prue are Twice Blessed Children, which makes them the strongest beings in Charmed The Next Generation.
  • Like her deceased aunt, Prudence Halliwell, she was a cheerleader.
  • She was named after her deceased aunt, Prudence Halliwell, and her grandmother, Penelope Johnson.
  • In the alternate future, she was killed by Shax the same demon who killed her deceased aunt, Prue Halliwell but that future got saved because Shax was vanquished this time forever just at the time with the power of three spell.

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